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Burnout to Zen CEO VIP
Introduction - ground rules and safety
Before we begin
Dates for program
Simplify - lifestyle audit and rebalancing
Body Awareness Meditation
Session 1: Spring clean your life (26:32)
Session 2: Setting values & priorities (15:06)
Session 3: Release the past, embrace the future (18:56)
Amplify - embody Zen CEO Habits for high energy
Session 4: Energy tools and routine (28:34)
Session 5: Your passions list (15:12)
Session 6: Light up with purpose (28:10)
Session 7: Your biggest supporter is you (20:05)
Fortify - strengthen and support your desired life
Session 8: Creative envisioning (8:44)
Session 9: 12 week year planning (24:14)
Wrapup - Q&A and consolidation of all lessons
Wrap up and congratulations
Teach online with
Dates for program
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