Are you are burnt out corporate employee/entrepreneur or desire to create a fulfilling Zen CEO life?

I absolutely understand you and am here to support you in changing your life and empire.

All my years working in corporate, running multiple businesses, a child & furbabies, and having a personal life have taught me that burnout, stress and loss of life's meaning are real. 

It's time for you to receive the laser focused support you need.

​The truth is you CAN hold the space for all you desire and are passionate about without stress. Right now is the perfect time to create a new vibrant normal for you, your family and the world. Turn burnout into light leadership where you feel purposeful, high energy and magnetically abundant with this program.

It creates that ZEN CEO mindset and here's what you get...


Simplify with a lifestyle audit for clarifying the things keeping your energy low, overwhelmed and unfulfilled. Often it's our mindset at the core that carries into many areas. Learn how to recognize all the leak types, how they affect you and how to address them so you can bring your life back to balance.


Amplify by learning tools, rituals and habits for a high vitality, deeply purposeful, and fully supported life. Includes methods for organizing your life so you are giving time to your values, connecting to your purpose, energizing and bringing life's pleasures in consistently while creating your personal brand - a magnetically powerful presence. 


Your personalized formula for light, stress free, and magnetically abundant living all year long. 

Includes the 12 week year creative envisioning method, where you get to curate your life in alignment with your values, deep desires and priorities in easy yet powerful 12 week increments. Plus you build in support for sanity and success. Curate your personal high vibe lifestyle!


✔️ Experience Weekly Meditation Sessions and balancing tools to realign your body and start your week inspired, energized and aligned.

✔️ Learn the Zen CEO tools and habits through empowerment topics, joy-focused assignments, and commitment followups to keep you on track and motivated with your life mission.

✔️ Be supported with a coach that understands your pains, and will empower you in your journey.

⭐️ BONUS 1: Burnout to ZEN CEO - E-book

⭐️ BONUS 2: A Meditation for Energy Balancing (DIY daily practice)

⭐️ BONUS 3: Partnering with the Moment Company to provide a mindfulness tool you take wherever you go to continue your Zen CEO journey.

Laser focused 1x1 support in a nutshell:

11 live sessions over 3 months, an initial personality and human design assessment, and wrap-up call. The monthly breakdown:

  1.  Energy Leak Assessment- Receive a life style audit that shines a light on the energy leaks so you address, change, or remove them based on your true priorities and values.
  2.  Embody Zen CEO Habits- Learn and build the Zen CEO habits into your lifestyle for consistent energy, time, and most importantly meaning. Connect to your purpose and passions in life.
  3.  Create a Zen CEO support plan - Support and strengthen your desired life through creative envisioning in 12 week increments so you accomplish more meaningfully in less time and effort.

This mentorship will give you a reconnection to your purpose, high energy, and the support you've been needing.

Example Curriculum

  Introduction - ground rules and safety
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Simplify - lifestyle audit and rebalancing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Amplify - embody Zen CEO Habits for high energy
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Fortify - strengthen and support your desired life
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Wrapup - Q&A and consolidation of all lessons
Available in days
days after you enroll

Choose a Pricing Option

Questions or want to learn more?

Schedule a 30 minute discovery call so I can answer any questions and learn how we can work together. >> Book it here

Teany, your Life Coach and Mentor

20+ years of Corporate 'in the trenches' experience with leading teams, interviewing and hiring employees, and at least 3 major pivot points that led me to discover my true purpose with passion, and develop the habits to make them possible.

11 years of entrepreneurship in a wellness and coaching practice allowing me to develop keen intuition on connecting deeply with people, and problem solutioning for a thriving life.​

Countless years of personal education, spiritual learning and coaching practice through courses with certifications in Anthony Robbins Coach Training, Purpose Coach Training​, and Human Design training.

​AND a passionate desire to be of service and share the lessons I've learned over time to accomplish my heart mission which is...​​

To help you reset, and live with purpose fearlessly!


“This course blew open my creative block! I was amazed! The energy it gave me is pushing me forward. The impact and relief it gave me is amazing and wonderful! I'm completely grateful!"

​- Dawn S. (Virginia) | Finance

“Teany I want to thank you for the work you do on mindfulness. You have a special talent in accessing a wealth of information and personalize it to guide people in having more control of their lives, and that is priceless. I enjoy using the practical everyday techniques with the focus on health for the mind, body and spirit, which for me it means more time for breathing and meditation. So a big, Thank you!!”

Michael De Lisio Designer | IBM Blue Studio

"Teany’s sessions are super powerful! She has the intuitive ability to hone in on your block and helps you to work with you to clear whatever it is that is in your way. She brings cheerful positive high level energy and crystal frequencies that allow you to be upgraded energetically and bring harmony to your mind, body and spirit! I highly recommend getting a sessions or a program to uplevel and upgrade your whole life! Thank you, Teany! You’re awesome! 

-Barbie Layton, Speaker and Energy Healer